
Tuesday, 7 August 2012

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How to Delete Temporary Files in Windows XP

Every time when we run programs on PC, it creates many files at Temp folder on your system, that are called temporary (.temp) files. Temporary files under temp folder takes valuable disk space. Manually cleaning out the Temp folder in Window XP is often a necessary maintenance step when the Windows XP Disk Cleanup utility fails to clean out the Temp folder automatically. The Disk Clean up utility can remove temporary files. Removing temporary files is a quick and easy task that can help save disk space and keep your PC clean of file clutter. Just follow the step by step directions below to manually clean out.
1. Click on Start and then Run.

2. In the text box in the Run window, type  %Temp%  and click OK. A folder full of files and other folders will appear. All of the folders and files you see in this Temp folder are no longer being used by Windows XP and can safely be deleted.

3. To remove individual folders or files, hold down your Ctrl key while left-clicking on each item you want delete. Release the Ctrl key when you're finished.
To delete these items, hit your Delete key or choose File and then Delete from the menu.
4. Confirm that you want to delete the files by clicking Yes on the Confirm Multiple File Delete window that opens.

5. If you'd instead like to remove everything inside the Temp folder, choose Edit and then Select All from the menu.
Note: If you're prompted that there are hidden files in this folder, just click on OK to bypass the message. A few hidden files hanging out in the Temp folder probably aren't important enough to worry about.

6. Now that all of the files and folders are selected, hit your Delete key or choose File and then Delete from the menu.

7. Confirm that you want to delete the files by clicking Yes on the Confirm Multiple File Delete window that opens.

8. After all of the files have been deleted you can close the window and empty your Recycle Bin, permanently removing the files from your PC.

You may receive a Error Deleting File or Folder message while the files are being deleted. This just means that one of the files is in use by a program right now. Click OK, close all open programs, and repeat the steps above. If you still receive the message, try restarting your PC and repeating the process again.

:) Arvind
About Arvind Jangid
Arvind Jangid is the founder and editor of Mast Tips and Mast Blog Tips. He Shares the solutions on 'How To Series' & dedicated to share his blogging tips. Follow Him on Facebook or Twitter . See More About Him.

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  1. This is a good way to dlete any files. I appreciate it. But you can try the Longpath tool also. It is an awesome tool to copy and delete files.


Your Suggestions are valuable for me.

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